Jesus in My Life Podcast
The Jesus in My Life Podcast is all about getting The Good News out to the masses for the purpose of demonstrating to the world that the living God is real. This podcast contains personal stories of everyday Christians experiencing Jesus in their lives. This interview format podcast is hosted by Jack and Rob. Scripture foundation: Jesus said to the man who had been delivered by demons, who wanted to follow Jesus, “No, go back to your family, and tell them everything God has done for you.” So he went all through the town proclaiming the great things Jesus had done for him" (Luke 8:39, NLT). Contact us at: jesusinmylifepodcast@gmail.com
Jesus in My Life Podcast
89. Cassandra: On Purpose For Purpose
God loves to use and send people to us to speak life and purpose in us often when we least expect it. Discovering God given talents and abilities in us often comes from those who see these hidden gifts in us. The journey of Jesus in Cassandra's life started at a very young age. As a teenager, Cassandra's discovery of the true talent inside her came by someone who believed in her. Not only that, this person put Cassandra on a stage in front of an audience to play the song she wrote and did not accept Cassandra's refusal. Through this 'forced' situation, Cassandra discovered courage, purpose and humility. In this episode, you hear all the highs and lows of finding true God given purpose for the sake and glory of Jesus. You are meant to be on purpose for purpose In Jesus Name!
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