Jesus in My Life Podcast

100. Jack & Rob: 100th Episode!

Jack Osorno and Rob Lane Season 2 Episode 100

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‭Testimony is powerful because it's one's personal story unique to the person sharing it. Testimony of all that God has done and is doing in your life is very powerful because it is the result of a divine assignment straight from God himself intended to bring Him glory and praise.

Jesus In My Life Podacast is founded on the story in Luke 8 where Jesus saves and delivers a demon possessed man. After his healing, the man who had been radically saved asks Jesus to follow him. This is what happens next. “No, go back to your family, and tell them everything God has done for you.” So he went all through the town proclaiming the great things Jesus had done for him. Luke 8:39

Jesus In My Life has given many people the opportunity to share all that God has done in their life; many of them for the very first time! In this milestone episode, Jack and Rob celebrate their 100th episode by sharing their top 5 favorite stories from Season 2. A special thanks to all who have shared their story of all that God has done in their lives! The best is yet to come!

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100th Episode 

Jack: [00:00:00] Jesus in my life, episode 100.

Welcome to Jesus in my life, a podcast with Rob and Jack, where we interview everyday people, me and you, about their extraordinary experiences with our savior, Jesus Christ. 

Rob: Welcome to a special episode of Jesus in my life. My name is Rob and my cohost, Jack. Hey everybody. So happy to be here today. Well, Jack, this is a, as I said, this is a special episode because this is our a hundredth.

Episode of Jesus in my life, brother. Congratulations. 

Jack: Congratulations to you as well, man, a hundred episodes, a hundred episodes. That is a major milestone for us. 

Rob: It's kind of hard to believe in many ways, because the journey to get to this, I would say this pinnacle point, I mean, [00:01:00] God has just been so faithful and providing us Some great people to really, for the first time share their testimony publicly.

And how encouraged we've gotten, I mean, that's, that's really, isn't that the coolest thing? Because, we bring these people in and they share their story and it's to, encourage others, but we get so blessed and encouraged. That's, I think that's probably what's really kept us going.

Jack: Yeah. I mean, it has, and it, and you mentioned God being involved in it and he totally is because I mean, neither me or you have any experience in podcasting, right? Like we just, we had a heart for this and we bit off. Maybe I would say a little more than we could chew in the fact that we decided to be a weekly podcast.

And that was a commitment I made to the Lord. And he is faithful to help me in that because there's been so many. Yeah. Rob, we don't have anybody to interview this week, right? And then pop, somebody pops up, right? God has been faithful to bring [00:02:00] people. And it's been really cool to meet some of these people that we meet.

Oh, some of them have become friends. They have absolutely. 

Rob: And yeah, 

Jack: you know, here's, here's the thing. And I hope this encourages you as much as it encourages me. This is a statistic from two years ago. So it's only increased in number, but there are over 2 million podcasts, right? How do you stand out among 2 million podcasts?

And that's an overwhelming number, right? Yeah. We're one podcast among 2 million million, but here's the thing. 90 percent of podcasts don't get past three episodes. 

Rob: Wow. 

Jack: So that's about 1. 8 million who quit. Right. And so we, we stood in there and then of the 200, 000 that are left, 90 percent of those will quit after 20 episodes.

Wow. 20 episodes and we're at a hundred. So if anything, I am, I'm just proud of you [00:03:00] and me for sticking in there because it is not easy to keep producing content. And so that makes us. In the top 1 percent of podcasts because we've published more than 20 episodes. 

Rob: Yeah, man, that, you know, we're because we do this podcast face to face, you know, but it's an audio podcast.

I mean, you're seeing my facial expression. , , it's like unbelievable. But not because you know, the last 50 episodes, particularly the last 20, it's just been like next level and it's all been God to, yeah, to, to bring these people to us and then for them to, you know, it's just so many times when we, you know, we reach out to these people and they're like, I can't even believe that you're asking me to publicly share my testimony.

I was just with the Lord like two weeks ago and wanting to share my story, but not knowing what that necessarily would look like. And then we say, Hey, would you get on the podcast and send it to an [00:04:00] audience? It's like, Whoa, that's gotta be God. 

Jack: Yeah. And that's encouraging to me and you, he's gone before us and preparing the hearts of the people who are going to be on the show.

That's just incredible. And you know what? I, one thing I want to just say is thank you for those of you who have let us know that this podcast is a blessing to them. Yes, it is not. Easy work. 

Rob: Yeah. And Jack, I want to say this for our listeners because we're, a hundred episodes in now. And I just want to say thank you because our listeners probably don't know this, that most of the editing for this podcast, that, that's.

Yeah. And, and I just want to publicly say thank you for the work that you put into this podcast. And I think that, to the statistic that you shared earlier, that I think that's a lot of how God has been helping us and specifically you in the grind of editing podcast, this podcast, like it's hard work.

And, and so. That really makes this [00:05:00] podcast presentable in a way that we hear from so many people, that has them tuned in week after week. And and so props to you, brother. 

Jack: Thank you, brother. I really, really appreciate it. You know, one of the things we're going to do on this episode is me and Rob are going to reflect on our top five episodes from the last 50.

So why don't we jump into that? Let's do it. Okay. I mean, it's 

Rob: obviously going to be a difficult task, but I think we can do this. 

Jack: Oh, I mean, it was a difficult, I picked my top five and it was grueling, right? It was so many episodes that I loved from this season two, we'll call it right. Episode 50 to a hundred.

Yeah. So let's go ahead and start with our number five. Cause we know what our top five are and this one is actually the same one. So Rob, who is your number five pick Fred, Fred, Fred, 85 Fred. Um, and I think maybe we picked it as our top for maybe different reasons. I don't know, but the [00:06:00] reason I picked Fred's.

Is in my top five, when I pick my top five, I just want to clarify. These are my top five because of the impact they had on me personally. And episode number five gave me a new brother in Christ. 85, you mean eight? Oh yeah. 85. Yeah. Yeah. 

Jack and Rob: No, hold on. What did I say? You said episode five. 

Jack: Oh, number five on my list.

Oh, number five on your list on episode 85. Yeah, exactly. It's a tongue twister. Yeah, exactly. All right. They gave me a new brother in Christ. Yeah. Fred is part of our men's group at church now. He didn't, by the way, he didn't go to our church and this wasn't an effort to steal sheep or anything like that.

He just, We really liked him. , we have mutual friends and things and just our lives just intermingled. And it's that's only 15 episodes away. Think about that, right? 15 weeks it's been since we met Fred and Fred has become a really good friend to me and to you and to [00:07:00] a lot of our brothers in Christ.

He's become a great friend. 

Rob: I love that your wife. Obeyed the Lord right to reach out to him and say I believe the Lord wants you to share your story and that's what it was like Fred is an example of I just two weeks ago, like I was sensing that the Lord was wanting me to share my story and I've been so hesitant and it was your wife that unlocked that activated that in him.

And to your point, man, the topic of that was prodigal son. And Obviously it's an audio podcast. So you don't see Matt, man, it was like at the end when I was talking about, you truly are the epitome of Luke 15 of Jesus's story of the prodigal son and man, his he was just, he was weeping while I was just speaking into him there and so impactful to me, to similar ways, how you were impacted by Fred's episode that is similar to mine but specifically For me, [00:08:00] like hearing his story and from the self destructive path that he was on and being incarcerated and all the things, if you haven't heard it go listen to 85, but man, just the impact for me was Fred's just strong desire to not make up lost time, but because of the connection and how God orchestrated.

Us to interview him just as he was sharing his story, like in the past, I felt a lot of like his angst in the present, like it was just like this hunger and thirst for just Christ and to be the father and the husband that God had called him to be. And to your point, man, like just from that episode to now, like he's a different person and that's coming from his own wife.

Jack: And I think it shows that obedience activates so much more in our lives. Right. And so he, he chose to be obedient. He didn't want to share his [00:09:00] story. No, he didn't want to, but he listened to the call on his life and it activated something in him and he is on fire and I love it. Okay. So now number four, and this is where we start having different difference.

Yeah. Yeah. All right. So. Actually, why don't you go ahead and go first. Yeah, I'll start. Who's your number four? So 

Rob: my number four, drumroll please. Number four was episode 82 and it was Tiffany. 

Jack: Yeah, that was such a good one, man. 

Rob: And, I'll just cut to the chase. I mean, Jack, it rocked my theology.

Yeah. Because Tiffany, you know, raised pretty much in a good home, a Christian home, a religious home, maybe more like, and, and did the right thing. Got into a few rebellious streaks, growing up, but for the most part, stay grounded to her religious roots. And, [00:10:00] and, her husband being a pastor and Bible study consecutively.

Like, I mean, just she was giving Bible studies and 

Jack: working in the foster care system to help kids. Right. Like, yeah, yeah. 

Rob: I mean, right. And then all of a sudden out of the blue, from her mouth and her testimony it took her a while to realize what was happening, but a demonic attack that just increased in her and, and even showed some signs of, of demon possession.

And I remember after that episode, like, for weeks talking about, like just the fundamental question of, can Christians be demon possessed? I've always, I've always concluded that. Christians can be demon oppressed and tortured, especially through a lack of forgiveness.

But man, I mean, it was not anything that she, she was, there was nothing in her life that was opening doors to things. And 

Jack: even now years reflecting back, like she can't identify any open door. 

Rob: [00:11:00] Yeah. Yeah. There, there, there were, I think there at the end of her, her testimony there in episode 82, she had shared some occult Things generational sins that, right.

Jack: Yeah. That wasn't directly done by her. No, 

Rob: exactly. So that's something there. Oh, another part. 

Jack: Yeah. And then, you know, made me think like that we are more than just individuals. Yeah. Right. And we are affected by those closest to us. Right. I wonder, and again, we're not a theology podcast, you know, don't take this and run away with it.

It's just something that really kind of stood out to us is, you know, we're more than just ourselves. And the people around us can affect us in some way, shape, or form. And we have to conclude that maybe that was the case, or maybe it was simply a case of Job, right? Job, by all intents and purposes was demonized.

Intensively, right? Cause Satan is the one who was given permission [00:12:00] to ruin his life. Right. And ultimately we have to trust that God allows all these things for the good in the end. Yeah. And there has been so much good that has come out of Tiffany's experience, right? What the enemy meant for evil. God is using for good.

Yes. Yeah. 

Rob: Yeah, exactly. To your point and again, to reiterate what you just said, We're not a theological podcast. We're not afraid of theology, but we just, that's not our focus, but to your point, man we can say unequivocally and in the most biblical accurate way that God does not cause evil, but he in fact allows it.

And so that stretches our faith, that stretches our understanding, that stretches our relationship with him. And for sure, that was Tiff Tiffany's testimony is that this came upon her and the challenge of trying to process that with her husband and, and again, those around her, [00:13:00] Matt is really impacted me and, and really kind of made my understanding of spiritual warfare.

Uh, Like at a deeper level, not just to know it, but to effectively counter attack biblically and in Jesus name. 

Jack: Yeah. Amen. Well, Rob, we have an update from Tiffany. Yeah, let's, let's take a listen. 

Tiffany: Hi, this is Tiffany. Congratulations to Jack and Rob on their 100th episode of Jesus in my life podcast. That is incredible.

Thank you for all the time that you've put in. And for those who have shared their testimonies, I've been so encouraged by them. I love that the verse behind the podcast is from Mark chapter five. As I was figuring out spiritual warfare, that was one that the Lord had led me to. It says, go home to your friends and tell them how much the Lord has done for you and how he has had mercy on you.

The man had been demon possessed and Jesus cast them all out and they went into pigs. He went away and began to proclaim how much Jesus had done for him and everyone marbled. [00:14:00] What had stuck out to me here is how they begged Jesus to leave after doing this. Yet the man stays and shares his testimony, and the community marvels at him.

There was a stark contrast between how the community had treated Jesus, and how they had treated the demon possessed man, which still happens today. People do not want Jesus for various reasons, yet they marvel at those who have been with him. Oftentimes, the testimony leads to open doors to share the gospel and introduce who Jesus really is to others.

After experiencing such significant spiritual warfare, my hope is to bring awareness to it, especially to pastors, in order for others to be able to walk in freedom and not go through the same things that I have experienced. One of the ways I never understood was the impact of spiritual warfare on our bodies.

My body had never been so out of control. But as God would have it, everything I had learned leaning up to this experience about neuroscience and Bible memorization [00:15:00] had prepared me for the journey. The Creative Bibles study I had created and had been teaching since 2017 was my anchor in the journey, along with everything I had learned about trauma and impacts on the brain that I had learned through foster care trainings and my own personal study.

So putting neuroscience and Bible study together, I've been rewriting the Inspire Shop creative Bible studies to reflect this and give believers tools to combat the spiritual warfare. My hope is that with these studies, it will bring awareness and healing to the church as I am able to share and teach.

We don't always get to choose the outcomes of our story or it happens to us, but when we submit them to God and his authority, we get to reclaim his goodness and give others a glimpse of what God has done in our life and the power that he has still in this present day to do. Oftentimes the hardest stories to tell are the ones that bring the most healing.

I know that those who have been on this podcast and have shared hard stories can relate to this as well. So my prayer is [00:16:00] that you continue to highlight testimonies and that God will use them to bring even more healing and salvation to those who listen. Thank you so much for all of you do and prayers for all that you continue to do for the future.

Rob: Man, I just love that testimony of Tiffany and specifically because I'm a pastor. Yeah, she spoke right to me You know, I think the worst kind of you know counter attack to spiritual warfare is just ignoring it. 

Jack: Yes 

Rob: And discredit it, discredit it and, or even sweep it under the rug. We don't talk about those things or whatever.

Like, I just love that by sharing her story. I mean, I'm still rattled in a good way. Like, but specifically her addressing to me as a pastor and then empowering me in the area of effective victory Over spiritual warfare that we're not left to our own devices that God has equipped us. And so Tiffany's testimony [00:17:00] and her story was not something that just happened in the past, specifically episode 82, but empowers me in my walk with Christ and how to, you know, counter attack the enemy's arrows.

Jack: So good. Appreciate Tiffany so much for sharing her story. Like she said, the most difficult choice stories to tell are usually the most impactful. Yeah. Right. On people. Just, if you listen to her, she mentioned that she has a Bible study online. I'm going to add a link to that in our show notes. Okay, cool.

If you want to check that out, it'll be on our show notes. Moving on to my number four. Yeah, there's episode 78, Courtney, and the reason I picked this one is because I, I've seen the impact of this one personally. And Courtney's is just a refresher. Courtney's Courtney was for all intents and purposes born in, in the church, right?

Like in the nursery, born in the church nursery, not really, but you know what I mean? Right, right, right, right, right. She, from, from little, [00:18:00] today. She's still at the same church. She's been involved, but at some point in the recent past, she decided to take ownership of her, I don't want to say faith because she had faith, but she took ownership of her growth by committing herself.

To studying the word of God herself. And so she decided she was going to read the Bible from front to cover. And she ended up doing it in record speed. And it activated something in her. It had impact. And you know, the God, the Bible says that God's word will not return voice. Right. Like if we, if we commit ourselves genuinely, not out of a religious checklist, right.

Right. But God, I want, I want more of you. God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him. And part of that process is I want to know you better. So I'm going to read your entire word. Right. She had never in her 30 years had ever read the entire Bible. And the impact it's had and she started inviting others into reading [00:19:00] the bible with her She started at the beginning of the year and you know She's a school teacher at a local school and so many people have come around side of her And we're like i'm gonna read the bible too.

And now she has a bible You know, a Bible reading club and a bunch of women are reading through the Bible together and their lives are changing. I know of people who have not been in the faith for a long time, right? They believed in Jesus, but they weren't going to church or anything like that for a long time.

And this has reactivated their faith. Yeah. Right. Like, and so just again, the, the impact. That are yes to Jesus can make in other people's lives. Yeah. Courtney's episode highlights that again for me. 

Rob: Yeah, that's so good, brother. Like if you're listening to this and I think when it comes to reading the Bible, there's just that natural, like, I can't read that.

I don't even know where to start. It's so big, all that. And Courtney addressed that in episode 78. You know, like, I just want to empower those who are listening right now, reposition your thinking. [00:20:00] I mean, Courtney shares like some of the angst, some of the intimidation, but when she just decided, I'm going to do this, I'm going to, and God's going to help me.

Like, I just want to tell our listeners right now, like, man, just, just go for it. Just jump in and, and God is going to reveal himself to you. More than what you think or can think or imagine, like, and, and because it's a relationship and man, there's so much that Courtney shares in terms of how God has changed her and continuing to change her today.

Jack: Amen. Well, we also have an update from Courtney. Let me play that for you. 

Courtney: Hey Jack. Hey Rob. Thank you so much for having me back on. And I just want to start by saying congratulations on 100 episodes. That's so exciting. This is such an awesome podcast. And so very, very great job on that. A lot has happened since we talked back in January, and I'm excited to kind of fill [00:21:00] you in on everything that's been going down.

When we talked, I let you know that I was kind of starting a Bible reading club for just any women who were interested in digging in and reading the Bible through and in a chronological order. And I'm so excited that we've had over 50 women that have said, yes, I'm interested in doing this and have joined the group.

50 women from all different backgrounds, all different walks of life. Most of the women have never read the Bible all the way through before. Some of the women in the group have read it through many, many, many times. And so it's been awesome to just have these different experiences coming together and, and reading through the Bible together.

And so, We have over 50 women in the group and throughout the state, even, and we even have a couple out of state members, which is really exciting. What we're doing is we're meeting together about once a month to just kind of talk through what we're reading. It's kind of like the best book club ever.

It's kind of how we describe it. It's we get [00:22:00] together and talk about the month's reading and just different things that stand out to us. I had originally said like God will reveal different things to different women and it's been so cool to just see You You know, what speaks to someone, doesn't speak to somebody else, and to get, be able to get, to be able to hear kind of what everyone's getting out of it.

You guys have a verse for your podcast. We kind of a verse for our Bible reading club and it's Luke 1039 and it says her sister Mary sat at the Lord's feet listening to what he had said and that's just been my prayer for this group is that as we're reading and it's not just a checking a box that yeah, I've read through the Bible, but that we're really listening and we're really digging deep.

And so it has just been such a great experience. Yeah. I want everybody to be a part of it. So if you are thinking like, yeah, this sounds great. Reach out to Jack and Rob, and they'll get you in contact with me, get into the greatest book club of all time. And again, I just want to say, thanks for checking back in and continue to be in prayer for the group.

It has been. Such a [00:23:00] blessing and just something bigger than I ever had thought could happen for, you know, when, when I talked, I had said, I don't have these gifts that these other women have. And God has really said, checkmate, because he's using, you know, my gifts of encouragement and been able to really come aside these ladies and cheer them on and been such a fun experience.

And so, thanks again for checking back in and talk to you guys soon. 

Rob: I love that Courtney said, anybody can do this. I mean, that, that might be minimal in terms of, I mean, kind of like the obvious, but it really is true. Like anybody can do this. And, and if it comes from a mindset or even a heartset of why can't do that.

I mean, that's, that's her testimony that how can I lead this and just how God brought community around it that, and I think that's his way in terms of, if you want to go deeper, yeah, my [00:24:00] relationship with you. There's always more opportunity for that, but I'm going to do it my way and allow people to come alongside.

And I think that is so profound with Courtney's testimony. 

Jack: Love it. And again, one of my favorites because I've seen the direct impact that it's had. Yeah. Well, top three. Okay. But before we move to the top three, kind of a couple of things I want to tell you about, I added a new feature to our podcast and it's called the text us feature.

And it appears at the very top of our show notes. And if you are listening to our podcast on a mobile device, it won't work on a PC. You can just click that text us and it'll actually open up your text messages and it'll actually send us a text message. Sweet. Yeah. So we want to make it easier for you to get in touch with us.

We want to hear from you. We want to hear what you like, what has encouraged you, personal stories. We [00:25:00] love to hear from you guys. And so in fact, I have a question for, for our listeners, do you guys have any interest in Jesus in my life merchandise? I'm playing with the idea of a t shirt, you know, I think our logo is pretty cool that little, you know, heart monitor cross thing I think that's a cool little design.

Yeah, and we'd be happy to kind of Create some merchandise. If you guys are interested, let us know. 

Rob: Yeah. Right. Jesus in my life. Swag. 

Jack: Yeah, there you go. And you know, if you want, we can create other designs and stuff like that too. And so let us know you're interested in merch, a couple other things too. I think that, you know, I think I want to highlight to our audience.

Our listeners, this is not something we've ever done before because this is a ministry to us, right? We do this unto Jesus, but we also want to do more. Yeah. Right. And there are things that we can't do simply because it costs money to do them. Yeah. You know, for example, at some point I'd love for us to record a video episode.

Absolutely. Right. So you could see us. Yes. Right. And [00:26:00] that's just not. We don't have the equipment for it. We don't have the expertise and so we come with You know, we need finances to actually create that content. I'd love to advertise this podcast so that more people could hear it But you know all this stuff takes Resources.

And so we realized we don't ask anything from our listeners, but maybe God's put it on your heart. You want to support this ministry of empowering people to share their testimonies and encouraging others to share that as they hear others share their stories, we do have an option to support us monthly.

And it's, again, it's in our show notes. You, you, you know, you can put it, I think it's as little as 3 a month, you could contribute monthly. And that makes a difference. That sure does. And. There is also another option I put in there and so using a website called buy me coffee Where you can make a one time kind of donation to content creators including us, right?

And so there's a link to if you're interested in that no pressure It is something if god puts it on your heart to support us We would we [00:27:00] would love that and we want to do more but we're laying that before jesus's feet. 

Rob: That's right. 

Jack: Yeah the other thing I Don't know if you noticed, Rob, but we have a new logo keeps the spirit of our original design, but we wanted something that was a little more clear of what we are and you know, our previous logo had the cool cross and, and then the text in my life.

Right. And so you had to guess like, Oh, what is that in my life? You know, And so this just, I think the, the logo is just a little bit more clear. So if you notice that, cool, awesome. With that said, let's move on to our top three. The crescendo crescendo. I mean, these were So I'm going to, I'll go ahead and share my number three.

Okay. My number three is episode 52 and 53. It's a combo and it's pastor Wally. Pastor Wally, modern day apostle, man. Just. You know, [00:28:00] I've read through many stories from the book, Jesus Freak with my kids, you know, people who suffer for the faith tremendously, but I've never met one in real life and Pastor Wally, you know, living in, was it Saudi Arabia?

Rob: He was in Saudi Arabia. That's correct. 

Jack: He was in Saudi Arabia. Started in an underground church, right? And, you know, that was an illegal church in that country. That's right. And he got targeted by the religious organization, got illegally arrested and tortured. He was considered 

Rob: the most wanted. 

Jack: Yeah, yeah, he was the most wanted by the religious, uh, infrastructure.

Who, you know, in those countries, they have a, Yeah, you know, it's not like America. Right, right, you know, and he was illegally tried and sentenced to death and He never gave in to the police To rejecting Jesus. Yeah. Right. And like, wow, what an impact that had on me. And then his deliverance, right? Like the way that his wife was connected with some of the [00:29:00] higher up officials, you know, I would say more of the secular side of the country, um, and how he ended up escaping the country, right?

Like, it's just God's hand all over it. It was an honor to meet him. What an impactful story. A 

Rob: hundred percent. Since meeting him and then recording those episodes, I got on his text list and I get texts from him every Sunday morning. Me too. Encouraging texts. It's so cool. And it always comes at the right time because you know, Sunday morning, of course, you know, most of the time I'm, you know, I'm, Getting in the service, getting ready, getting ready to preach.

And I always look at, I mean, just everything, you know, right. It's just, it's just a general thing that he puts together and then, and then he generates it out, he sends it out and I'm on that list. Everything that he says in that is just so encouraging and empowering. And so I'm so grateful for him and for his story.

And that was early on here in, in season two, you know, Episode 52 and 53, [00:30:00] definitely an episode, a story, a testimony, not lost in this last 50 episodes. So, so grateful. 

Jack: Amen. And I benefit from him too. Right. As again, I'm receiving, I'm still receiving from that connection. Yeah. So really, really cool. Well, what's your number three, Rob?

Rob: Okay. So my number three. Dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, drum roll. Is Covina. 

Jack: Covina. Oh, what a story. 

Rob: For me hearing her story, what was being testified was a movie. Yeah. And it was her own movie. Yeah. And just how the story of her husband at the time when they were separated. And then him literally murdering and raping her daughter, and then her going through the detail and man, and just the boldness and just the, the strength that God was giving her to publicly share.

It certainly wasn't the first time for her to share publicly, [00:31:00] but I mean, this was the first time for you and me to hear this, this story and the rawness, but how God just. Again, like what the enemy seeks for evil and for bad, God always turns for good. And that process of forgiveness. I mean. Was just unprecedented and for her and that's her story in episode 88 is You know literally the Holy Spirit telling her to go to the jail where he was being processed still to tell him I forgive you and even not that not being received I mean just started this journey for her of just obedience and God's favor Man, I've got some stories in my own life where God highlighted somebody in my life, you know, that I needed to forgive.

I was holding forgiveness from, and then going through that process, kind of kicking and screaming, [00:32:00] but yet repentant and just releasing that. Man, like it's the abundant life that you experience. And that, that is in fact, Covena story. And, and, and since then, you know, just even talking about reminiscing about that particular episode here, man, it's still fresh on my mind.

I could still, I remember seeing her on the other side of the mic and sharing that story. And I think even both of our responses was like, what do we say at this point? I mean, just. Unbelievable. 

Jack: Yep. Amen. Yeah. The power of forgiveness. Mm. And God is using her powerfully now. Yeah. Because she chose to forgive.

It was for her own benefit. Yeah. Man, so good. Okay. All right. So top two. Uh oh. I mean, this is where it got really hard, right? Like, what do I pick? What do I pick? Yeah. Well, I, for my number two, I picked episode 90, [00:33:00] Jacob, and this was about family worship and the reason I picked this one, Rob, is because it, Impacted me tremendously.

I got three kids at home, you know, 13, 11 and nine. And me and my wife, since early parenting, we've prayed with them. We've read the Bible to them, but this episode just revved up the engine in my heart about my role. As a spiritual leader in my home, my responsibility to pour into my kids and model what it looks like to worship Jesus privately, right?

And just double, it just doubled down my conviction to read the Bible to my kids, to pray with them, to, to make it dynamic for them to see the realness of what, what does prayer look like? Right. Right. And then even introduce. Music into it. Yeah. And that's something that we haven't done in our family. Like music is, [00:34:00] you know, nobody likes to sing, right?

I mean, I sing it's a church, but like, no, we're not singers, but I, we've done it a few times of worshiping together. And it's really interesting. I, and I didn't make this connection until right now, my son, especially didn't like music since then. He started to play the piano. Really? Yeah. He's taught himself to play the piano and like his progression in teaching himself has been tremendous.

He's learned a few songs now. And I've been like, like, so excited. Like, okay, where's that going to lead? Like, I'm so excited. I think it's part of answering a prayer of. Bringing worship into the family and just me being more excited about it myself personally. Wow. 

Jack and Rob: That's so good brother Like 

Rob: so encouraging.

Yeah, and I think back to that episode episode 90 and and I remember in a profound way Jacob saying I Um, I think the American church for so long has just kind of had this mindset of just defaulting other areas to [00:35:00] do the spiritual discipleship and training in our family and particularly our kids. And there's nothing wrong with youth pastors and other sub ministries and all of that.

But I think we just have this mindset, you know, well, the education that's just done with by the teachers and, you know, the spiritual direction that's just done by the youth pastor or a youth sponsor, you know, like, like categorizing that. I think it really, Jacob spoke into that and said, no, no, no. My responsibility as dad and parent and parents, mom and dad, our responsibility together is to train up our kids in the ways.

That they should go in according to God's word. And that was extremely profound and a fresh reminder of a responsibility that doesn't have to be burdensome, but like you, what you've experienced, Jack, in your own family, actually like. More than just a responsibility. It's life. Like you're seeing things emerge out of your son that you never even saw or [00:36:00] thought, or even, even imagined.

And, and here he's, he's tapping into something because family worship is spiritual. It's, it's supernatural. 

Jack: I mean, your kids are older now and they both are involved in, in ministry. Maybe they're not head pastors or anything like that, but they're involved in ministry. How blessed are you? By their ministry.

Oh, right. So it's, it's, it's a ministry that pays dividends bigger than the work that was put in, right? Like in my son's 13, but there's been a few moments where he's done or said things that are very profound in it. It is just. Giving me fuel like no other, right? Like, you know, one of my favorite pastors who I used to listen to, he said the person who spoke to him the most, it was his son, whose son was a, became a pastor too.

And he's like, there was never met another man who has been able to speak into my life. Like my son. Right. And like, right. Cause you have an [00:37:00] open heart to that person who is speaking spiritual truth into your life. Right. So that is definitely work. That will pay dividends beyond anything you can think or imagine.

Yeah. So what is your number two episode, Rob? 

Rob: Okay. My number two. I, and I would say when we were going through this, there was no hesitation. My number two episode for season two is Jessica Rose, 

Jack: Jessica Rose episode, what 

Rob: episode number 86, 86. And I believe the title 

Jack: from transition to transformed. 

Rob: There you go.

From transition to transformed or becoming transformed. And you know, Jack is thinking about, you know, in preparation for this episode and specifically Jessica's testimony, her raw testimony. And I think she even said that this was the ninth time that she publicly shared her story. You know, biologically born a woman.[00:38:00] 

And transitioned herself, went through all of the Almost through everything. Almost through, almost through everything. Almost through everything. She was on hormones, 

Jack: testosterone for years. 

Rob: Yeah, yeah. And then publicly through her church was going to make the decision of truly who she is. And she announces that I'm a woman.

Yep. This is who I've been created to be. And I got, I got deceived and just, I mean, man, so many things in that episode. Uh, it speaks to certainly the things of this culture, but you know, I was thinking about this that I, I think this is kind of the thing that stands out to me. Like since is, you know, we, we see the culture obviously doubling down on, on really being just anti God.

Okay. And, and we can conclude that that's not going to stop anytime soon. And I think as the, as the church and who we're called to be and to do, I think if we just, I think it seems that the Lord is [00:39:00] at least for me and from my perspective. You know, we kind of label these things as like hot topics, you know, and we say, well, well, that's a hot topic of the culture.

And, and to me, Jack, what that does is, is it kind of eliminates healthy discussion because we, we separate and segment things that say, well, we don't really talk about those things in the culture or, well, we're not sure what really God says, but, but you know, we'll, we'll talk about it and we'll just call it a hot topic and it.

To me, it just, if anything, it undermines biblical position and guidance. You know, for me, like, I love that we were able to meet and interview Jessica and, and, and then follow her ever since. I mean, she's out there and God's really like, just catapulted her into the, into the culture to share her testimony.

And it's been amazing. But for me, like, I'm encouraged that we can kind of set aside the label of hot topic and just say, man, God's working and he's doing these [00:40:00] things in people's lives, lives that were on a path of destruction and death and literally through his spirit, shifting and pivoting their lives and bringing repentance, man, that's something worthy to be shared.

Jack: Amen. Yeah. That episode. It was very impactful and it was really hard for me not to put it in my top five. Yeah. It's also one of our most popular episodes. Yes. And it's also an episode that really shook some people, right? Because of the topic, the topic is, uh, you know, I mean, to your point, hot topic is, it's a touchy subject and there's a lot of emotion behind it and a lot of opinion.

Yeah. And I just love how she, Was transformed to her true identity in Christ through the simple truth of the word and good discipleship. Yeah. Good discipleship. Yeah. Right? People didn't come at her and [00:41:00] be like, you're wrong. You're wrong. This is evil. It was, the truth was presented. Yes. She wasn't hounded.

Rob: Yes. 

Jack: She came as she was. Yes. And the transformative power of the word transformed her back to her identity as God created her to be. Oh, so good. Okay. All right. All right, big drum roll. Okay. Okay. Number one episode. And you know what? Sneak preview. Me and Rob picked the same one. Okay. Drum roll, please.

Number one episode for me and Rob. Imelda. Episode 80 and 81. Oh man. Did this episode rock me when we recorded it. It was a 

Rob: mind blower. Blowing experience. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. What specifically hit you about her episodes? 

Jack: Well, I mean, what didn't, I mean, being around someone who is so on fire [00:42:00] for Jesus, right?

Like this episode, we couldn't even go through our normal introduction, get it set up from the moment she came in. Like she was ministering to both of us. She was on fire. And. She just reminded me of how much God can do in a person who just says, yes. I will do whatever you tell me to do. The impact is tremendous.

You know, I think, I don't know who said it. I think it might've been DL Moody who said the world has yet to see someone fully consecrated to God. But she's close. And the impact that she got is. Had on this world through her yeses Rocked us and there was so much that took place even beyond that episode.

Yes, right like there was a zeal that came [00:43:00] Into my heart after that episode I was kind of burning for a while. All right, I was on fire for Jesus I just Because of her encouraging words, her reminiscing on her salvation experience. And so, ah, man, that episode still, I think it may be my number one out of the 100 episodes that we've recorded.

Rob: I'm totally with you on that. Yeah. I mean, just, just so much. I, I, I like to go back oftentimes to just relisten to those two episodes, just because, I mean, there were, there were so much in it. And generally speaking in a short amount of time and, and so much meat and, and, and, and so much just Ross testimony of, of, of the reality, again, of spiritual warfare.

And, you know, I'm, you know, I've said this a few times, you know, throughout certainly this, this conversation. You know, season two and I'm one that does not believe that the devil is under every rock. I don't believe that, you know, he's in every chicken McNugget, you know, [00:44:00] I don't know where I heard that once, but I, I kind of, I heard you say it.

Yeah. I mean, it's, it's kind of true. It just shows the ridiculousness of, of oftentimes we do give credit to the enemy where, where he already thinks he needs the credit. Like we don't need to foster that, you know, but the reality is, and this came up so much in Melda's episodes. He's a spiritual warfare and Jack, isn't this true?

Like we see the culture doubling down in, in its darkness and we can't deny that. Like, I just think more and more, you know, Imelda spoke into this, just even the testimony of this church. That God repositioned her, this Baptist church, you know, 

Jack: I love that God brought her to a Baptist church. Yeah, absolutely love it.

Rob: And, and literally after the message, after the service, they have a prayer time, similar to what we do in our church. And, and now she's ministering to this lady she had never met before. And, and she manifests like she, She demonically manifests. Mm-Hmm. . [00:45:00] And because of her heart and her on fire for Christ, and, and even her past experience of being in missions and seeing this on a regular basis, it was not anything that she freaked out about.

It was not like, oh, oh, what do I do? Mm-Hmm. . In fact, it was, it was just the way that the Holy Spirit guided and directed her for that particular moment. Yeah. What was so profound and again, you know, if you've not heard this or if maybe if you've have heard, you know, her episodes, go back and listen to it.

I think for me It's something that i've carried since and you know jack, you know, we we share in the same church we minister in the same church together and And since then, you know, it's it really provided us Like a practical preparation preparation And there's been times when based on her episode, things have happened in our church where, where we've been able to use that as a resource.

I mean, yeah. So I'm thankful for Imelda [00:46:00] and for her testimony. And certainly God's not done with her yet. And, and, uh, it's been like that fire has turned into a major forest fire. She's still on fire even more. 

Jack: Yeah. I love it. You know, what's funny about your top five, Rob, they're all in the eighties.

They're all in the eighties. Every single episode on your top five was in the eighties. Okay. Wow. 

Rob: So, I mean, the eighties for me, I was a teenager. So maybe that was, I don't know. Yeah. 

Jack: Well, that's when you got saved, right? That's when I got saved. 

Rob: 1984. 

Jack: Yeah. Woo. Yeah. So really fun. Just kind of going through these episodes with you, man, and reflecting on the impact they've had in closing.

Mike. You know, I get the privilege of catching up with Imelda and so I want to share this quick little interview that I had With her because the truth is leading up to her episode releases Spiritual warfare in her life ratcheted up. [00:47:00] Yeah, like the enemy hated What she was going to share. And literally because we had two episodes, the both Mondays before we dropped those episodes, eight 80 and 81, there was a crazy amount of spiritual warfare going on in her life.

Um, so God protected her obviously, you know, but here's a little. Interview with Imelda. 

Imelda: So after the podcast, I, I'm going to use the word blessed. I was blessed to be taken to new levels of spiritual warfare that I had only I had only read and heard about other people experiencing. And I mean, I've experienced like quite a lot.

But I always thought like, Oh, those heavy hitters, you know, those people that deal with like the really weird stuff, not just like the basic demonic stuff. And at that time that we did the interview, I was working amongst indigenous people right here in California. And I began to experience affliction in my body.

So I [00:48:00] did experience a measure of backlash. A backlash of just like, hey, why'd you release this testimony and it's something, something about shaking up hell in that way and the amount of people that were affected by that testimony or rose up to a higher calling in, in taking up, Authority over the demonic I believe was enough for me to take like some super heavy hits And so without getting into too much detail because I felt very clearly from the Lord this morning Coming back with this report of what happened after the podcast is to not over Emphasize Satan because he he's he's a loser And and so there, there was a measure of uprising, but in that the goodness of God came through for me.

The person I was getting to know at that time in the podcast is now my husband and I'm a mother to two children. I'm an Insta mom. And I call them my children, not my stepchildren, because a small The spirit of adoption is powerful, [00:49:00] and I love those kids as if they were my own, and I'm really thankful to their moms for carrying them around for me and birthing them for me, but they're mine now, and this morning the Lord's voice was clear about how important It is to overcome evil, but overcome evil with good.

And so the passage that I was meditating on to kind of follow up to everything that happened after that podcast, there was crazy warfare. I ended up in the ER. I had reached out to you for prayer because of this weirdo like emergency situation that happened to me. And then things flared up at that job.

I'm no longer, At that job, there was a grace lifted for me to not work in that field for now. I moved into downtown Placerville and I'm starting to gather with believers first thing tomorrow morning at the bell tower to start morning prayers every week and a house of prayer movement in town.

My now husband and I, we walk up and down main [00:50:00] street to Broadway prayer walking and encountering people on the street and sharing Jesus. With whoever it looks like that the Lord is highlighting to us. And yesterday I was a drunk, toothless woman with like the most beautiful blue eyes. And I just felt like the Lord wanted me to put a hand on her to speak redemption over her life and reminder that Jesus loves her.

And so we're active. We're here. We feel sent and called. And so that happened after the podcast, after I was like, Hey guys, revival is breaking out up here in El Dorado County. And God was like, ding, ding, ding. One can route 1, 000, two can route 10, 000. You're getting married and you're going to be a mom making disciples in your home and you're going to be right in the heart of Placerville, prayer walking and making disciples and evangelizing whoever has ears to hear.

So, The word that I felt God wanted me to encourage people with as we move into warfare, as we move into advancing the kingdom of God, as we move into casting out devils and [00:51:00] experiencing more trial and tribulation. The Lord wanted me to remind us and he's reminding me the body of Christ in Romans 12, 14 through 21.

It says. Bless those who persecute you. Bless and do not curse them. You know, when you move into spiritual warfare, there's gonna be people that make fun of you. Other Christians are gonna make fun of you. They're gonna call you the wackadoodle, the charismatic, the whatever it is, fake. Bless them. Bless them.

I was amongst the scoffers and the mockers until it really became a revelation I could walk in, right? Let's just chalk it up to immaturity. And bless those who would persecute us unbelievers. They're going to persecute us and we're going to bless them and not curse them because we're not with the enemy We're on team jesus He also goes on to say in verse 15 rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep I felt like the lord was reminding me this morning It's really important that when we walk in the spirit, we stay in step with the spirit.

That means knowing The right [00:52:00] way to minister in the right occasion, like when someone is rejoicing, we celebrate with them. But when someone is mourning, grieving, experiencing tragedy, loss or trauma in the body of Christ, that's not the time to tell them to rejoice and rejoice. Always that's a time to step into their pain with them.

And not partner with the accuser of the brethren, because the accuser is like, Ha ha, look at you, God's not good, you're suffering alone. And there's nothing like suffering alone. And God's command to us is weep with those who weep. Don't go around giving them antidotes, or I'm just praying for you, text messages.

Figure out how to step into their pain with them and learn how to emote with people like cry Someone else is crying let that pain move you because we're one body And then live in harmony with one another. It's kind of a follow up to that Do not be haughty but associate with the lonely the lowly i'm sorry associate with the lowly never be wise in your own sight like how Much are we always wanting to [00:53:00] differentiate?

Who's like a heavy hitter and who's just like a baby christian or how often do we want to? Be associated with the senior leaders of our church But we don't want to be associated with the dude that just got saved five minutes ago And so, the lord is constantly reminding us that it's an upside down kingdom.

I I needed to hear that because i'm like, yeah, you're right. Why do I use language like that? why do I use language that refers to elitism or Puts other people like above me or ahead of me or below me. It's not necessary if we're going to live in harmony You The trick to that is associate with the lowly.

I believe that in doing so we stay fervent in our first love. Cause man, there's nothing like those people that just got saved to remind us where we came from and never be wise in our own sight. Repay no one evil for evil, but gift thought to do what is honorable and the sight of all if possible. So far as it depends on you live peaceably with all beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God for it is written.

Vengeance is mine. I will repay says the Lord. To the contrary, if your [00:54:00] enemy is hungry, feed him. If he is thirsty, give him something to drink. For by doing so, you will heap burning coals on his head. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. And that's the bottom line, is that as overcomers, we cannot let evil overcome us.

And we will be so tempted to, to take an eye for an eye or a tooth for a tooth. We will be so tempted to curse those who persecute us. We will be so, so, so tempted to tell a grieving person to rejoice. It's not appropriate. We will be so tempted to become haughty. Like, Oh, I'm growing in authority over these demonic principalities.

I'm something special. I can't associate with the Christians that don't know how to do this anymore. That couldn't be further from the truth. On the contrary, we're being told to overcome. With good and so, it's really basic. Just be be like jesus be like jesus I'm, i'm just so excited to keep walking with jesus after the last [00:55:00] podcast and to remind Myself and you and whoever listens that there is evil in the world, but we are called to overcome that evil with good 

Jack: Amen, what a great word and what a great way to top off our 100th episode With a word of encouragement from my sister Imelda, who has so encouraged me since we interviewed her in episode 80 and 81, it's been a real pleasure.

Imelda: Thank you, Jack. And God bless you. And Rob, so excited to see how God multiplies his testimony and more and more people will come alive in Christ. Amen. Thank you, Imelda. 

Rob: Well, Jack, this has been an amazing episode. Yes. Our 100th episode again. Congratulations, brother. 

Jack: Yeah. Thank you. Congratulations to you.

Rob: Yeah. And I, I say this and I really want it to be more than just a. You know, a cliche or a mantra and the best is yet to come. So love you, brother. Thank you so much for your perseverance and for your encouragement. I believe that God has so much more for us and for this podcast. And [00:56:00] so thank you to our listeners for your support, to the ones who've been faithfully kind of running with us for.

You know, for the last 50 episodes for the new ones that have come in and for the new ones that will come, like, so grateful for the opportunity to do this with you, man, to get people's story out there. It's just like, I can't wait for the, for the next 50. 

Jack: Yeah. Amen. Amen. And we already have some of those recorded.

You got some really cool episodes coming up. Everybody. Thank you so much. Love you too, Rob. Stay tuned every Tuesday for new episodes. God bless. 

Rob: God bless you guys.